In addition to our in stock doctoral regalia, Caps and Gowns Direct also custom makes doctoral and PhD robes to our customers specifications.
Creating the perfect doctoral robe, or Presidential robe is Easy.
Simply begin with our deluxe doctoral gown (@ $320.00) and add in the custom changes you want:
Piping-- add gold or other color piping to front of gown, velvet bars (chevrons) of gown, or both -- $85.00 for gold piping -- $95 for piping other than gold.
Add a 4th Chevron (velvet bar) to sleeve of gown -- $75.00
Change velvet from black or PhD blue to a different color $50.00
Add a velvet hem to bottom of gown $125.00
Fabric changes:
Change fabric from black polyester (pilgrim cloth) to another color (but same fabric) $100.00
Change fabric to Regis / Majesty crepe (any color) $175.00
Change fabric to our finest Super 100's Tropical Wool (black only) $275.00
Add logos / emblems / insignia $100.00
Examples with prices are shown throughout this page to make ordering as simple as possible.