Academic Regalia  
  tel: 412-422-GOWN (412-422-4696) fax 561-431-8172

Cap and Gown / Academic Regalia the E A S Y way, from Caps and Gowns Direct.

Graduation Regalia Order Forms:

Bachelor's Cap and Gown ORDER FORM:

Part one

Name of person ordering

Bill-to address with city, state and zip code

Shipping address if different

Home phone

Work or cell phone


Part two

Bachelor's Gown

Quality of gown (deluxe; faculty/classic; econo/souvenir)

Height of each person receiving regalia

Weight of each person receiving regalia

Part three

Bachelor's Hood

Quality of hood (deluxe with piping; deluxe without piping; econo/souvenir)

School and City you graduated from (some universities have several campuses. We need to know which campus you graduated from, as often the colors vary from one to another). If you know your school colors, please write them here.

Exact degree for velvet

Optional for Deluxe only. Piping on hood? What color?


Part four

Date Needed

If you require custom items, and you do not have eight weeks to wait, would you like us to send you free loaner regalia, while your customized regalia is being made?


Part five

Payment Information


SPECIAL REQUESTS, confirmations, etc. If there is anything different or special about this order (such as optional piping on gown) we need to know about, be sure to let us know. We will contact you if we have questions about your order.

If you have any questions about ordering your academic regalia, please contact our cap and gown sales department

The information above may be mailed to us (snail mail, FedEx, etc.); sent by fax, or e-mail*.

If mailing, send to:

Saxon Uniform Network, Inc.,
attn: Caps and Gowns Direct
234 9th Street
Braddock, PA 15104

If Faxing, Fax to 412-273-3416

*If emailing your order, please do not include your credit card in your email. Instead include your telephone# and our office will call you for your card number.

Note: Charges to card will read: Saxon Uniform Network, Inc.
If paying by check, please make payable to Saxon Uniform Network, Inc.

Questions: call us 412-422-GOWN (412-422-4696)


Academic Regalia
Caps and Gowns